Matt “Guitar” Murphy Featured

The June 15 edition of Greasy Tracks featured a three-hour special on the legendary Matt “Guitar” Murphy.

Here’s the archive, while a playlist is here.

Coming on the sixth anniversary of Murphy’s passing at the age of 88 in 2018, the show spotlighted the brand-new, two-CD set True Blues Brother, The Legacy of Matt “Guitar” Murphy (Nola Blue).

There’s an interview with drummer Bobby Christina who played on and produced the album which features a veritable who’s who of blues players participating and Tom Guerra — longtime guitarist and writer for Vintage Guitar Magazine — provided insight on Murphy’s incredible legacy.

Best known as being a member of The Blues Brothers, Murphy played with some of the biggest names in the blues world including Memphis Slim, Howlin’ Wolf, Willie Dixon, Buddy Guy, Ike Tuner and Otis Rush. Not to be overlooked, he also accompanied three harp-playing giants: James Cotton, Little Junior Parker and Sonny Boy Williamson II.

Christina will be part of the official rollout of the new album June 23 at Mitchfest 15 at Hygienic Art in New London, Conn., where scores of musicians will be part of a Matt “Guitar” Murphy tribute concert.